Do you need a hiking backpack? Many hikers, especially newcomers, ask if they need a hiking backpack. I wrote an in-depth article to provide an easy guide if and when a proper hiking backpack is required.
I will also clarify when travel or daily packs can be used for hiking. Your hiking activities can answer this question. I have encountered several hikers looking for a good and comfortable hiking backpack. But, some hikers use their college bag as an all-rounder.
Do the advantages of owning a “hiking backpack” justify buying it? To answer this question, I looked at the multiple options like terrain types, hiking difficulty and duration, alternative packs for hiking and general travel.
What is a Hiking Backpack?
A hiking backpack is a specially designed backpack that keeps hiker and backpacker needs, such as durability, comfort, storage and adjustable straps, in mind.
The hiking bags come with properties that make them easy to carry and more hiking friendly. There are a few benefits that hiking backpacks have over traditional packs. Due to these benefits, hiking backpacks are preferred by hikers all over the world.
Benefits of a Hiking Backpack
Let’s discuss the benefits of hiking backpacks in detail to give you a clearer idea of why they are important. You can correlate as per your activity and then decide whether you should opt for one or not.
Design & Construction
Normal backpacks are more style adaptive. They look better and consist of one or two compartments. There may be some side pockets or a front or back pocket. They are quite sleek when compared to hiking backpacks.
Hiking backpacks don’t have style as their prominent feature. They are designed to serve the purpose and last long. The design of the hiking backpacks is bulky. It is not suitable for everyday indoor activities. Normal backpacks are ideal for everyday indoor activities.
The material used in hiking backpacks is different. It is more resistant to extreme weather situations than a normal backpack.
Specialized Features
The hiking backpacks have some additional features, unlike your regular packs. Some examples are gear loops, rain covers, and hydration bladder sleeves. You will better understand the importance while you are hiking.
Ordinary backpacks don’t have these specialized features, as you won’t need these features at your college or in your lab. Additionally, daily packs are hard to access, and you must often take out everything to get a hold of something.
The hiking backpacks feature many more openings that make it easy to access without opening the bag.
Increased Storage Capacity
The capacity of the hiking backpacks is more than the conventional backpacks. The capacities of hiking backpacks lie between 15-70 liters and even more for extended backpacking trips. You can decide which capacity is ideal for you depending on the duration of your trips.
If you love one or two days short trips, backpacks with the lowest capacity would be sufficient for you.
The maximum capacity of a conventional backpack is close to 30 liters. This indicates that capacity is a key plus point when hiking backpacks, especially if you consider the bigger hiking backpacks.
Conventional backpacks have internal framing. They hug the body and lead to blocking the passage of air. This leads to sweating, especially over larger durations of time.
Hiking backpacks have a more advanced comfort level due to the padded shoulder straps and the suspension system. The hiking backpacks also allow airflow for better and much-needed ventilation, especially in hot weather, providing more comfort and no sweating.
Using hiking backpacks, you can carry more weight on your shoulders without even tiring because of proper weight distribution on your body. The next point is weight distribution, where I will provide more details.
Even Weight Distribution
Even weight distribution is an alternative term for load management. This is one of the most important features why backpackers opt for backpacking packs.
I usually carry even more than a 70L backpack with ease on long and rugged terrains just because of even weight distribution that does not weigh me down or tire my back. Hiking backpacks carry a lot of weight; logically thinking, that kind of weight can cause fatigue on the shoulders and back.
Even weight distribution makes sure that this doesn’t happen. All you have to do is to pack the heaviest items as close to your back as possible. This leads to weight falling on the hips, which is exactly what we want. All the weight does not fall on the shoulders.
Hiking tracks often deal with a lot of rain. Ordinary backpacks won’t protect against the rain and lead to damaging your belongings. A waterproof bag is necessary for bikers and people who love to hike.
The waterproof hiking backpacks can also lead to saving your important and precious gadgets such as smartphones and wallets. Your clothes will also stay nice and dry inside the hiking backpack.
But some packs do not provide enough waterproofing, so you might have to cover them with a rain poncho. All these things are not available in ordinary backpacks.
There is no comparison between a good hiking backpack and an ordinary backpack when it comes to durability. The materials used in the construction of hiking backpacks are high-quality fabrics that include reinforced polyester and ripstop nylon.
The high-stress areas of a hiking backpack are treated with reinforced stitching to ensure that they perform well under pressure. The zippers, straps, and the bottom of the hiking backpacks are all durable enough to last tough rides and hiking.
Additional padding at the bottom helps to keep it safe even while you put it on the rugged and rocky terrains. I rigorously use my daypack and backpack even during the harsh weather and tough terrains. But they are still with me in excellent condition.
Hydration Bladder Compatibility
I love this feature. If you don’t know about the bladder, you can look at the best hydration bladders article to understand what they are and where they are used. It’s a hands-free way to drink water easily and comfortably on the trail.
Frankly, it becomes difficult to carry a water bottle and drink from it. Most hiking backpacks, including day packs, provide a sleeve and a port. The sleeve is usually present close to the back of a hiking bag.
The port allows the tube to pass through, allowing drinking without opening the backpack.
If you have an ordinary backpack, you won’t be able to drink water on the go without opening your backpack. This is a big deal when hiking on long tracks.
Cons of Hiking Backpacks
Hiking backpacks are specialists, no doubt, and they have many benefits. But are there any drawbacks too? Yes, there are. I also want to highlight them so you can compare them side by side to decide their importance.
Honestly, hiking backpacks are costly. The base-level backpacks that can carry a day’s worth of belongings cost 30$-100$. A great quality ordinary backpack will cost you 50$ as on average. It means that you can get the best quality ordinary backpack for the price of a base-level hiking backpack.
As the capacity of the hiking backpack goes up, the price increases and the most expensive hiking backpacks can cost up to 400$ or more. That is clearly a very expensive deal.
The bottom line is that there is no need to spend 400$ if you hike once or even twice a year. You may opt to get the cheaper ones that range from 30$-100$.
Can be Bulky
If you are new to hiking, you may feel that the hiking backpacks are bulky. The hiking backpacks are 3 to 5 times larger than the ordinary backpacks.
Switching to a hiking backpack may feel a little troubling in the beginning, but you will start loving them once you develop a habit of using them.
Once again, the bottom line is not getting a backpack if you are not a frequent hiker. An ordinary backpack would serve the purpose.
Some Lack Proper Ventilation
I really face this problem often while on the trail with my one backpack due to a lack of proper ventilation. Sweet at the back cause discomfort in hiking. That also leads to odor in no time if you are not wearing proper moisture-wicking clothes for hiking.
Hiking Backpacks Alternative Options
What are the alternative options to hiking backpacks? Let us take a look.
Daypacks are the lighter version of the larger hiking backpacks. They are more comfortable than ordinary backpacks but not as comfortable as larger hiking backpacks. They possess most of the features of the larger packs.
The only down factor is the capacity. They are not good for weeks of hiking or hiking. Their storage capacity ranges from 15-30 liters only. However, they are ideal for hikers who love short one or two-day trips with minimal hiking.
Waist Packs
Waist packs or fanny packs are a great alternative for larger hiking bags if you have only a few items to carry. These bags are comfortable, convenient, and loaded with an adjustable waist strap. These bags are gaining increasing popularity due to their style and accessibility.
The downside is that you cannot carry your clothes in them. They are meant to carry small items such as your phone, wallet, and camera lens.
Tactical Backpacks
Tactical backpacks compete head-to-head with high-quality hiking backpacks. The only flaw is that these backpacks don’t compete very well in comfort and versatility.
Tactical backpacks are built tough, but they are not as comfortable as hiking backpacks. There is no suspension system in the tactical backpacks.
Our Verdict: Do You Really Need a Hiking Backpack?
In short, “it depends”. You need a hiking backpack for extra comfort and storage if you hike more frequently for extended periods. But for short hikes and walks, you may use regular packs as there is no need to buy a separate hiking backpack.
If you have decided to buy a hiking backpack, make sure you do your research. Many brands make hiking bags, but not all will be worth the price.
For example, some hiking bags don’t have additional padding at the bottom. These minor differences matter a lot when you travel. Therefore, it is highly recommended to research which bag is best for your needs before purchasing it.
Here are our recommendations for the backpacks: